Do not plan the things in details. Keep yourself agile and fluid like a water. We dont know what will change and spoil your plan. Its always better to be ready to accept the Change and Move on.

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Sir Ratan Tata – A mentor, motivator for millions

Tata – Sir Ratan Tata: You Have and Always Will Inspire and Motivate Me 🙏🏻 It was June 2006, and I was a student at Gurukul, a small school in a village in India. At that time, my dreams were… Continue Reading →

Never forget – Resistance is the inherent property of the nature

Great learning from Physics. Resistance / Friction is the inherent property of nature and we always find it in our personal, professional, social life.
The key thing to overcome is to try harder, be consistent and make the friction strength and not a weakness.

Dad, the bee is not moving!!!

Today, it was a usual day but taught me something new. I finished the work, and went for a short running in the park. This is summer time and people of UK just love it. Seeing families, couples and kids… Continue Reading →

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